It is a new year, and with that comes curiosity and anticipation of what the year will bring…
I recently attended a luncheon event at our remodeler’s association, PRO New England. We were privileged to see a sneak preview of the upcoming release of Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies’ (JCHS) forecast for remodeling in 2024. The presentation sought to make sense of the $450 billion national remodeling industry by interpreting an array of federal and national data. The take away: JCHS expects a moderate softening in the remodeling market nationwide in the coming year.
At Gallagher Remodeling, we are proud to be part of this huge and diverse industry. Across the nation, remodeling companies continue to upgrade and maintain living spaces in three ways: discretionary projects such as designing spectacular kitchens or master suites; upgrades such as energy efficiency and aging-in-place; and, basic replacement and repair work – the projects you can’t see, but can feel and provide peace of mind. Rebate programs and other incentives support some of these projects, at the federal, state, and local levels.
We are all fortunate to be based in an area where upgrades and improvements are encouraged, and where our housing stock justifies the investment. We expect activity to remain strong in 2024, and we are grateful to our clients for their business and continue to support them as they encounter the new year.
Roger Gallagher, President
Gallagher Remodeling, Inc.